Our work is to provide care for cats that are seniors and special needs kitties. These cats cost money for medical care and special diets, and are high maintenance, especially when they need intensive medical care or have behavioral problems. Still, special needs should not be a death sentence, as it often is in shelters due to space, time, and cost constraints.
A wonderful family is ideal for every cat. When medical problems can be resolved to a level that can be handled by an experienced cat parent, or when full recovery is possible, we seek a forever home. When that isn’t possible, they have a home here for life. Adoption is not our primary function. It’s not our mission to handle high volume adoptions of healthy cats. We screen carefully for those that need us most, fit into our mission and population, and have no alternatives.
Our costs include food, shelter, medication, veterinary bills, and supplies–humane traps for injured cats, over the counter medications, prescriptions, crates for transportation to the vet, laundry, and other items. To do more, we need help. It’s not possible to expand our reach alone. We need you to make donations, help spread the word about our work, and volunteer.
I’ve gone crazy measuring, budgeting, planning, and exploring possibilities, as well as studying city codes. We want to be well informed on all aspects of our plans for growth. Our goal is not to have large numbers of cats housed at one location in a commercial type of shelter. Our intake home is a cross between a shelter and a home. We have facilities for special care that are not available in most homes. Still, the kitties live in a home with people in residence. They sleep on beds and sofas, play on cat trees, and perch on window sills in the sun.
In the past, we worked with Any Rat Rescue, White Shepherd Rescue, Vizsla Rescue, and more. Other rescue groups receive our support too, including Shadow Cats Rescue, which focuses on FIV kitties, Best Friends, who saves many animals while supporting other organizations and promoting education in animal welfare, and The Gentle Barn, which rescues farm animals, along with some domestic animals. No one organization can do all that needs to be done. Mutual support helps everyone.
We need people who want to play with cats (the hardest work of all), help update records, take pictures to post, do a bit of cleaning, handyman work, or grounds work. Join us now!