Hi everyone! Here’s our 2019 newsletter. We hope you had a wonderful holiday and have a happy, successful 2020.

Catnip Casa had a great 2019 overall. Most of our seniors have been as stable as we could expect with an entire population of senior and special needs kitties. Unfortunately, we had one unexpected loss. Our sweet Little Gal left us suddenly, due to a very aggressive form of cancer, just before Christmas 2019. On the plus side, our eldest resident is celebrating his 20th birthday this week.
Because of the extra care and expenses needed to give these special cats a safe place for a ninth life and a home-style environment, we could not do this without you. The expenses go up for each cat as they age. Like people, they may develop chronic problems that require regular medication, along with the normal crises of aging. It truly takes a village to support the needs of this population, and all of us are grateful that you care.

GivingTuesday 2019 was our most successful ever. Your support and shares on social media means more people are finding us and joining you as a member of the Catnip Casa family!
On Shore Foundation also provided a small grant for the third straight year. We are so proud we’ve maintained our Gold status on GuideStar and earned their ongoing support.
As most of you know, our organization is still young. We are starting to see more growth and stability in the volunteers and in donations. So, we plan to make a commitment of a fixed percentage of donations to the respite care program (Love & Cuddles Pet Respite Care) by our fifth anniversary, which will be in September 2020! This year will be about making that program more stable to benefit more animals by keeping them with their families. Most of those animals are also seniors and special needs pets that just need care temporarily while their owners recover from an illness or injury.
In addition, we are working with another organization, in a consulting role, to expand respite care services in our local area.
We can’t find the time or manpower to do regular newsletters. We’ve tried. So, we settled on a commitment to an annual update for you, with extra posts on our website and Facebook page when there’s news. Please check us out there and stay in touch.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all you do!
The Catnip Casa Cat Refuge Family